MLA Holdings


If you own a Mitsubishi model you will want to keep it all Mitsubishi by using only genuine original manufactured parts. MLA offers one of the best spare parts back-up systems in Bunbury. Call us to learn more about our comprehensive range of genuine Mitsubishi and Vulcan parts. We stock forklift parts for all of our engine and battery electric forklifts, including:

  • Filters
  • Sparkplugs
  • Starter motors
  • Transmitters
  • Serviceable items and more!

As the sole Australian importer and distributor of Mitsubishi material handling equipment, MLA stocks more than $6.5M value of genuine spare parts at our Sydney, Hunter, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Wollongong, Bunbury, Adelaide and Perth branches, representing 95% first pick.

MLA forklift spare parts come to us direct from the manufacturer. We ensure competitive prices on all Mitsubishi, Nichiyu and MLA Vulcan Parts. It is important that you get the right parts at the most competitive prices, as fast as possible, no matter how large or small your fleet. Our branch network stock the recommended genuine parts as well as offering a wide range of accessories and attachments.